This site is dedicated to all of those brave adventurers who heed the call of the wild.....and to those who dream of doing so.  I believe it is my responsibility to 
share my outloors interests with others so that we can all see nature and learn
hopefully to leave it for our grandchildren 

Do you ever wonder what is over that next hill? 
Or what is just around the next curve?                 
Well here is what I found............ yes i did

I found beauty.
Perfect beauty seen through excited, anxious, and at times baffled eyes.
Seeing nature on nature's terms, not mine.
The wonders of life unfolding before me.  Something so large that it makes me feel very, very small at times.
Yes, there I found beauty; and just maybe....

                                        myself.  And did I mention some pretty darned tasty looking deer!!


We are one planet and one people, remember that as you travel no matter what dirt road you drive!